
Here you can view profiles of each child still needing a sponsor.  If you are searching for a child in a specific country or village, simply use the filter buttons below to narrow your search. Once you select the child or children you would like to sponsor, click the "Sponsor Now" button on the child's profile page.

Sponsor Now

TK076 Suabidatu Zakaria

Sponsor Now

TK078 Ibrahim Rafik

Sponsor Now

TK085 Rashida Mohammed

Sponsor Now

TK094 Munayatu Salifu

Sponsor Now

TK099 Meimunatu Alhassan

Sponsor Now

TK101 Samata Alhassan

Sponsor Now

TK117 Fuseini Haruna

Sponsor Now

TK123 Zaharaw Abdulai

Sponsor Now

TK145 Halik Abdul-Aziz

Sponsor Now

TK151 Asana Musah