Ghana--Tarikpaa (TK)

Tarikpaa (pronounced TARE-IK-PA) is a rural village filled with peasant farmers who grow maize, yam and beans. Many people in this village suffer from malnutrition due to the simple lack of food. Most families live below the poverty line with an average monthly income of $15/month. The only hope of breaking the poverty cycle is through education.

Recent Updates

TK007 Harunah Zakaria

Harunah enjoys playing soccer and reading. His father is a peasant farmer and her mother provides house help. Their combined monthly income is $52. 

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TK027 Karima Napari

Karima enjoys playing ampe (jumping and clapping), singing, and dancing. Her father is a peasant farmer and her mother provides house help. Their combined monthly income is $26. 

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TK029 Ayishetu Mohammed

Ayishetu enjoys playing Ampe (jumping and clapping), singing, and dancing. Her father sells chickens at the local village market to provide for the family. He earns approximately $13 a month.  Pra...

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TK041 Rebekah Desshini Seidu

Rebekah loves reading and "Ampe" (jumping and clapping). Her favorite subject is Natural Science. Rebekah's father passed away in 2017. Her mother sells water to provide for her children. 

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TK045 Ephraim Nantogma

Ephraim loves to play soccer. Ephraim's father works as a carpenter and a peasant farmer. His mother provides house help.

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TK046 Rhoda Nasarah Alhassan

Rhoda likes coloring and drawing. She likes to play with her sisters. Her favorite color is white. Rhoda likes to play ampe and soccer. Her favorite food is rice. Her father works as a peasant farm...

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TK058 John Nasagri Enock

John loves to play soccer. His favorite subject in school is Science. His father works as a farmer and a civil servant. His mother provides house help.  Prayer Request: Prayer for God's protection...

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TK069 Asana Haruna

Asana's father is a peasant farmer and her mother is a house helper. Their monthly household income is $12.

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TK076 Suabidatu Zakaria

Suabidatu's father is a peasant farmer and his mother is a house helper. Their combined household income is $5/month.

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TK078 Ibrahim Rafik

Your sponsorship support will provide a food supplement for the family to improve the child's nutrition. It will also help provide school uniforms, supplies, and school fees to help remove a common...

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TK085 Rashida Mohammed

Rashida is performing well in school. She is strong and healthy. She hasn't had malaria or been sick for the past six months.  Prayer Request: Pray for protection and good health for Rashida and h...

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TK094 Munayatu Salifu

Munayatu's father is unemployed. His mother is a house helper and a petty trader. The family's monthly income is $11. Prayer Request: Pray for Munayata's father's health. He has lost his vision an...

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