Gbawe (pronounced BOW-EE) is a suburb of the Capital City of Accra. The roads are all dirt and nearly impassible in the rainy season. Unemployment in Gbawe is rampant. Most people in Gbawe do menial jobs and basic trading of goods.
Grace enjoys art, music & playing with her friends. Grace's favorite subject in school is Math. Her mother sells plantains. The family income is $13/month.
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Emmanuel loves to play soccer with his friends. He lives with his grandmother. His father is a fisherman and his mother is a fishmonger. His favorite subject is Science. He wants to be a soldier.
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Bridget's family has an average household income of $26/month.
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Joshua is very strong and healthy. His favorite subject in school is Math. His favorite color is orange. Joshua's favorite food is jollof rice. Joshua's family has a combined monthly income of $79/...
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Bright's parents are both unemployed. They are living on the benevolence of family and friends.
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Hamdeeya helps around the house by doing house chores. She lives with her grandmother. Prayer Request: Pray for salvation for the entire family, so they will come to know Jesus. Pray for divine pr...
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Isaac would like to become a Pastor in the future. His family has a combined income of $65/month.
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Shadrach lives with his aunt during the week to go to school. He goes with his father on the weekend. Shadrach's mother passed away after a short illness in November 2018.
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Samuel's favorite subject is Science. His favorite color is blue. He enjoys playing soccer. He would like to be a doctor when he grows up. Samuels' family's combined monthly income is $17.
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Elizabeth's favorite subject in school is Integrated Science. She enjoys playing ampe (jumping and clapping). Her favorite color is orange. Elizabeth would like to be a doctor. Both of her parents...
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Emmanuella lives in Gbawe, Ghana. She likes to sing, read and play ampe. She also likes to play with her dolls. Emmauella enjoys VBS and worship at her church. She is the youngest out of 5 childr...
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Derick likes to listen to music. He also enjoys reading, drawing and playing soccer. His favorite color is orange. Derick enjoys singing at church during worship. Prayer Request: Pray for good hea...
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